June at Flathead Lake

June is here, welcome. 
The valley has recently had good rains and has become a brilliant green. As of May 26th, we have 15.33 hours of daylight and the evenings have been spectacular. Each late spring I enjoy watching the lake start to fill up! I can actually see where the water has risen during the course of a day, Flathead Lake will be to full pool soon!  

Looking for something to do after the Memorial weekend?

Join the town of Plains, Montana, this Saturday, June 2nd, for Plains Day held during after Memorial Weekend.  The Mason's Breakfast starts off the event at 7:00am.  There will be a lot of events for all interests - craft show, pony rides, Old Time Photos, Car and Motorcycle Show, Parade, Ice Cream Social, Turtle Races, a Community BBQ followed by a Ho Down Dance at 6pm